ShangHai: "China's Manhatten" is China's largest city and the center of China's international trade. 2,000 years ago, it was just a fishing community and today it is the third largest port in the world for cargo and trade purposes. Double deck buses are used in the cities. Native ShangHaiees are ahead of their time and bursting with energy for their city. Pudong is a district in ShangHai where free trade and business takes place. It is a major banking and international trade center. Urban hotels and business centers are found everywhere. It is known as the business center of the world. The Boonde is a refuge from the cities fast pace and splendor. At night, people come to the Boonde for entertaining night life and dining as well as shows and shopping. ShangHai is about 30 miles north of the entrance to the
North China Sea.
The Grand Canal in China goes from Hong Kong to Beijing. It is the longest man-made waterway in the world.
The West Lakes region of China is a very peaceful, calm spot in China. honeymooners and vacationers go there very often.
The Great Wall: One of the man-made wonders of the world. It is the only sign of human life seen from space. Visitors grasp the vastness of China when seeing the Great Wall.
Beijing: Humans have occupied this area for over a 50,00 years. It is the capital of China. Inside the
Forbidden City is a place in China where old ancient Chinese buildings lay and massive squares for the people. Duck is a dinnertime favorite in Beijing. Another tradition that Beijing clings to is Chinese Opera. It is classic movements with costumes and moves. beijing is a world capital of international business and culture where many young people explore the culture of the western world.
Hong Kong: Hong Kong is a territory in southern China with a population of about 7 million people on 1,108 km2 of land, making it one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Hong Kong is known as an area of "one country, two systems". Hong Kong is mainly self-governing and has its own currency. It isn't considered a part of mainland China. Hong Kong is home to one of the largest and most important financial centers of the world, a major cultural hab and maintains a high capitalist economy. "East meets West" in this cultural and economic territory of China.